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2024/2025 Ambrosia

The Ambrosia Campaign Overview
What happens when we’re trapped in the car for so long together

Alex, Amy, Michael & Verity

IC Briefing
Lord Custard has taken great offence to the current state of custard in the Barony. In order to fix his family name, his Lordship seeks to commission patrols to aid him in his goals.

The expeditions planned will involve significant (fully funded) travel across the Barony and surrounding areas, and meeting with many diverse groups.

Those interested should report to the Ambrosia Estates, on the western edge of Heusenberg, in the Autumn.

OOC Briefing
If it wasn’t already obvious, this is not a 100% serious campaign! The usual reminders apply on that warning; the campaign will still be dangerous, and will have moments of seriousness, but the overall tone will remain lighthearted. Don’t let that stop you from playing a serious character; just don’t expect world ending doom and gloom.

There will not be a heavy downtime system in place; some ad-hoc opportunities may arise but there should be no expectation of downtime with/after every game.

We currently intend to run about 12 games, plus a concluding 36HR. Due to the campaign games being spread around the Barony and surrounding areas, this will also lead to opportunities for guest GMs for low level one-shot games with the campaign characters. Please contact us if you are interested.

Please send any questions and character submissions to No restrictions to characters beyond what is standard.

What the GMs need
Please send us your character outline, including at a minimum: name, age, pronouns, race, class and guild.
Please state if you would like a command/leadership role.
Additional non-mandatory questions include:
Why does your character want to join?
What were your character’s opinions of custard before The Incident?
What are your character’s opinions of custard after The Incident?

Please no more than 1 to 2 A4 sides.

Special calls
There will be some special calls but we will endeavour to make them self explanatory. We will create a list when they come up.

Food fight N
Magic, Willpower resisted, mental, offensive

10 ft area which spawns food and causes anyone with less than N willpower in the effect to use the food to have a food fight with anyone around them for 10 seconds.
Food items count as inferior thrown weaponry, so base 1. Let us know if you buy Throwing Food skills…

Low Level
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Food Coma 1 Food Coma 2
Iron Stomach 1 Iron Stomach 2
Spice Wrack 1 Spice Wrack 2 Spice Wrack 3 Spice Wrack 4
Custard Bomb 2
Jam Hand 1 Jam Hand 2 Jam Hand 3 Jam Hand 4
Banana Trip
Greasedom Double Greasedom
Crispy Potato Skin 2 Crispy Potato Skin 4 Crispy Potato Skin 6 Crispy Potato Skin 8
Food Form 1
Food Coma

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Offensive, Mental
Target: Person
Resisted by: Willpower
Directly affects the mind, causing signals from the brain to be stopped. The target falls unconscious for 15mins.

The target can be awoken before this by any of the following methods:

Causing any damage (including subdual and bruising, excluding damage soaked by Endurance). Draining/Stealing any Mana/Standing.

Note that this spell does not affect the Undead, plants, or similar creatures.

Iron Stomach <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Non-stackable
Target: Person
The caster and his possessions gain immunity from the next <n> Gastromancy spells, or Poison or Disease cast at them, whether or not they are beneficial. The Iron Stomach takes effect before all other protections are taken into account. The player should call “Bounce” when a Resistance takes effect.

Spice Wrack <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous plus special
Type: Offensive
Target: Person, Demon
Power: Chaos
Resisted By: Power Armour
Spice Wrack <n> causes <n> points of Power damage to every location of the target creature and <n> Life Point damage. It addition, if any damage is caused (or if damage is soaked by Endurance), the spell also causes extreme pain, which stops the target from initiating any action for 10 seconds. If attacked, he can still defend himself but cannot attack back, for example. At the very least, the player should scream and drop to at least one knee.

When cast on a Demon, Spice Wrack has the additional effect of reducing its Rank by <n> for 24 hours (the Demon loses the last skills bought with any part of the 10 x <n> Character Points).

Custard Bomb <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive, Elemental
Target: Area (10’ Radius)
Resisted by: Normal armour, Toughness, Dexterity (halved) if not target
Custard Bomb <n> has the same effect as Air Blast <n> to all targets within its area of effect. The Mage can place the centre point up to 20’ away and all characters within a 10’ radius of the point are affected. Note that the Mage can target the spell on themselves but will also be affected by the spell.

The targeted character gains no defence from Dexterity and for all others in the area of effect Dexterity is only half as effective.

Jam Hand <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Person
Power: Sap
For 15 minutes the caster can cause <n> points of Power damage with their hands. The call is “Sap <n>”.

When cast Jam Hands is active on both hands. If you have Ambidexterity you can attack with either hand, otherwise you can only attack with your primary hand.

Once ‘on’, you cannot turn Jam Hands ‘off’ without cancelling the spell. Hence if you were to touch a friend, you would harm them.

Banana Trip

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive
Target: Person
Resisted by: Dexterity
Summons a banana under the targeted character’ feet, which trip them if they’re moving (the player should fall to their knees).

You cannot Banana Trip someone who is in the process of getting out of a Grip i.e. has just one leg free.

A usable Dexterity of 4 is sufficient to avoid the effects of Banana Trip.

<Strength> Greasedom

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Person
Greasedom has the following effects:

  • Protects the character from future Grip/Entangle effects that require Strength to escape and it also releases the character if they are currently being affected.
  • Protects the character from future Web effects and it also releases the character if they are currently being affected.
  • Protects the character from future Halt/Freeze effects (N.B. it does not release them if they are currently being affected).

Double Greasedom has the following effects:

  • Protects the character from future Grip/Entangle effects that require Double Strength to escape and it also releases the character if they are currently being affected.
  • Protects the character from future Double Web effects and it also releases the character if they are currently being affected.
  • Protects the character from future Slow effects (N.B. it does not release them if they are currently being affected).
  • All the benefits of Greasedom.
Crispy Potato Skin <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Defensive, Armouring
Target: Person
Crispy Potato Skin makes the target’s skin tougher, protecting them from normal damage. The target gains <n> points of Normal Armour.

The Dexterity penalty of the Crispy Potato Skin is equal to the Normal protection provided by the Crispy Potato Skin.

Food Form <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Non-stackable
Target: Person
This spell begins transforming the target’s body into food. The caster may select <n> options from the following list:

  • DR2 [Normal, Sap]. Additional selections increase the DR by 2 each time.
  • Enhanced recognise smell (like the miracle) and the background skills brewing and cooking to mastery.
  • All Gastromancy spells the target casts require 1 less Mana (minimum 1). This can only be selected once.
  • The target is immune to one of the following spells: Food Fight, Food Coma, Spice Wrack & Banana Trip. This stacks with Spell Immunity. Additional selections can choose an additional spell.

While in Food Form, the target can only cast spells from the school of Gastromancy.

The target of Food Form must have dedicated themselves to the school of Gastromancy. Food Form can only be learnt and cast if Gastromancy (or General) is the primary School of the caster and target.