The Bladesingers

The Bladesingers are a Guild unique to the Elves. They are dedicated to protecting other Elves, sacrificing their own lives if necessary. Its members are the only ones to have access to the School of Spellsword.
- Guildmaster
Kingdom: High Bladesinger Stormwalker
Barony Van Heusen:
- Joining
A starting character can join the guild immediately.
A non-starting character must prove they can adhere to the guild requirements; this will take a minimum of 5 ranks where they must have no guild affiliation. The Character Ref will decide if/when they are ready.
- Leaving
The only way to leave the Bladesingers is by permanent death.
- Requirements
A member of the Bladesingers must
- be an Elf.
- defend all those of Elven descent with their lives if necessary (this does not apply to Drow).
- kill all Drow.
- not teach or give access to Spellsword spells (via magic items, for example) to any person who is not a Bladesinger doing so will mean you will be hunted down and killed, as will the recipient(s). Elves aren’t always ‘nice people’. Bladesinger items are carefully controlled by the Bladesingers. Any items made are usually for personal use only, or to be used by another Bladesinger. Very occasionally, an important elf who is being guarded by a Bladesinger will be given a charged or one use item, but this is only allowed if the guild leaders agree.
- only learn spells from the Schools of Spellsword & General.
- Tax
- Advanced Training
A member of the Bladesingers has access to
- Weapon skills to Legendary Mastery.
- Weapon Adepts.
- Shield skills to Legendary Mastery.
- Armour skills to Legendary Mastery.
- Spells, Magic Ritual and Enchant Item in the School of Spellsword to any level.
- Spells, Magic Ritual and Enchant Item in the School of General to level 6.
- Bonuses
A member of the Bladesingers gains the following bonuses.
- He may use the title Bladesinger.
- He gains access to the Spellsword spell list.
- He has the choice of either 1H (including dagger) or 2H (including staff) weapon skills at half cost, including specialist skills (Subdue, Weapon Adepts, Favoured/Chosen Weapon etc.). This cannot take the cost below Warrior cost.
- He gains the ability to cast higher level Spellsword or General spells with only his ‘favoured’ arm (Ambidextrous characters can have either arm free) as long as he has a weapon in his other hand. Basically, the weapon becomes part of the spell casting gestures. The Guild Rank at which the Bladesinger can cast with one hand is
Guild Rank |
Spell Level |
10 |
1 |
30 |
2 |
60 |
3 |
100 |
4 |
- He gains Enhance Life at half cost. This cannot take the cost below Warrior cost.
- Ability to modify Mystic Blade to increase Normal damage by 1 by reducing its Power damage by 1. This modification can be performed as the spell is cast or if the spell is active if you Concentrate (and additionally cannot move or talk) for 30 seconds (for any amount of modification). The modification cannot be done on permanent items. This ability can only increase a weapons Normal damage to twice its maximum (e.g. a 1H Sword which does 4 points of damage can only have its damage improved by up to 4).
A Mystic Blade 0 cannot be used to increase Normal damage, just to protect the weapon. Hence when any Mystic Blade is being modified to provide Normal damage the weapon is always protected (since there is always effectively at least a Mystic Blade 0 running).
Example: Agincourt is wielding a 2H Sword and doing 12’s. When fighting a Might Priest with a Harden 4 he decides to cast Mystic Blade 4 and modifies it to increase his Normal damage to 16, which is more than enough to overcome his opponents Normal armour. Looking around he sees that most of the remaining opponents are Skeletons so spends 30 seconds modifying the Mystic Blade 4 spell to cause 4 Power damage.
- Ability to modify Mystic Armour to increase Normal protection by 1 by reducing its Power protection by 1. This modification can be performed as the spell is cast or if the spell is active if you Concentrate (and additionally cannot move or talk) for 30 seconds (for any amount of modification). The modification cannot be done on permanent items.
Example: Agincourt is fighting Orcs doing only Normal damage so casts Mystic Armour 4, modify it to provide 8 points of Normal protection. A little later the party is fighting a Fire Mage, so Agincourt spends 30 seconds modifying his Mystic Armour to provide 4 points of Power protection (and 4 points of Normal protection).
- He gains the Self Healing ability once per day. This ability requires you to Concentrate (and additionally cannot move or talk) for a minute and restores a number of Life Points and intelligent Body Points equal to the Bladesinger’s Guild Rank.
- He gains the Bestow Life ability, which allows him to transfer Life Points and Body Points from himself to another Elf he is touching. This ability requires you to Concentrate (and additionally cannot move or talk) and at the end of each minute (there is no proportional healing), the Bladesinger can bestow up to Guild Rank Life Points and Guild Rank Body Points. The Bladesinger can choose whether to bestow Life Points, Body Points or both. Body Points are taken from the Bladesinger’s healthiest locations and given to the recipient’s most damaged locations.
There is no limit to the number of times that Bestow Life can be used beyond the limits imposed by the Bladesinger’s Life and Body Points. Bestow Life can be used to give Life Points until the Bladesinger reaches the negative of his Death Threshold and Body Points until all locations reach 0.
Bestow Life can be used to heal a broken location (assuming it has been set with the Set Broken Bone skill).
Example: Tinker has a broken arm (which is her most injured location), it has been set with the Set Broken Bone skill. Coseon, a Guild Rank 20 Bladesinger uses the Bestow Life ability to give Tinker 20 Body Points. At the end of the minute, the arm is no longer broken.
- He gains the Sacrifice and Noble Sacrifice abilities, which are usually used as a last resort to defend the Elves in his care.
- At Guild Rank 20, the Noble Sacrifice ability improves to Heroic Sacrifice.
- At Guild Rank 50, the Heroic Sacrifice ability improves to Supreme Sacrifice.
When Sacrifice is used, the Bladesinger gains the following benefits:
- Strength.
- 15 Points of Natural Endurance (Which stack with any existing Endurance spell).
- 1 Use of either the Knockback or Disarm special strike.
- The ability to remain active even if his Life Points drop below 0. The Bladesinger still dies if his Life Points fall below his Death Threshold.
- The ability to keep using a location even if its Body Points drop below 0 or it is broken. The location does stop working when it reaches -10 Body Points.
Sacrifice lasts for 15 minutes or until the Bladesinger dies, whichever comes first. When Sacrifice ends the Bladesinger’s Death Thresholds are temporarily reduced by 1 for the next 24 hours and then the Bladesinger is reduced to negative Death Thresholds life unless already below this value. Life damage from Sacrifice cannot be reduced in any way. If the Bladesinger has no temporary Death Thresholds remaining, the Bladesinger cannot use Sacrifice.
Example: Zalathras has 2 Death Thresholds and uses Sacrifice in response to an enemy Drow breaking his arm with a Special Strike to remain fighting. After 15 minutes he is on 12 Life Points. His Sacrifice then ends and his Life Points are set to -2. If he receives no life healing he will bleed 1 life point a minute until he dies.
Noble Sacrifice
When Noble Sacrifice is used, the Bladesinger gains the following benefits:
- Double Strength.
- 2 extra points of Dexterity (which can be enhanced using spells in the normal way).
- 1 extra point of Toughness (which can be enhanced using spells in the normal way).
- 24 Points of Natural Endurance (Which stack with any existing Endurance spell).
- The ability to remain active even if his Life Points drop below 0. The Bladesinger still dies if his Life Points fall below his Death Threshold.
- The ability to keep using a location even if its Body Points drop below 0 or it is broken. The location does stop working when it reaches -10 Body Points.
- Every attack may be made as a Disarm or Knockback Special Strike (chosen when the attack is made).
The Noble Sacrifice ability lasts for 15 minutes. Once it ends, the Bladesinger dies.
Heroic Sacrifice
When Heroic Sacrifice is used, the Bladesinger gains the following benefits
(these are in addition to those gained by Noble Sacrifice, except for the benefits that supersede the ones above):
- Triple Strength.
- 4 extra points of Dexterity (which can be enhanced using spells in the normal way).
- 2 extra points of Toughness (which can be enhanced using spells in the normal way).
- 36 Points of Natural Endurance (Which stack with any existing Endurance spell).
- The ability to remain active even if his Life Points drop below 0. The Bladesinger still dies if his Life Points fall below his Death Threshold.
- The ability to keep using a location even if its Body Points drop below 0 or it is broken. The location does stop working when it reaches -10 Body Points.
- Every attack may be made as a Disarm or Knockback Special Strike (chosen when the attack is made).
- Every attack he makes can be either a Swift or Piercing Strike (chosen when the attack is made).
The Heroic Sacrifice ability lasts for 15 minutes. Once it ends, the Bladesinger dies. The Bladesinger can also use his Heroic Sacrifice ability as a Noble Sacrifice lasting for 1 hour.
Supreme Sacrifice
When Supreme Sacrifice is used, the Bladesinger gains the following benefits
(these are in addition to those gained by Heroic Sacrifice, except for the benefits that supersede the ones above):
- Quadruple Strength.
- 8 extra points of Dexterity (which can be enhanced using spells in the normal way).
- 4 extra points of Toughness (which can be enhanced using spells in the normal way).
- 72 Points of Natural Endurance (Which stack with any existing Endurance spell)
- The ability to remain active even if his Life Points drop below 0. The Bladesinger still dies if his Life Points fall below his Death Threshold.
- The ability to keep using a location even if its Body Points drop below 0 or it is broken. The location does stop working when it reaches -10 Body Points.
- Every attack may be made as a Disarm or Knockback Special Strike (chosen when the attack is made).
- Every attack he makes can be either an Undodgeable or Through Strike (chosen when the attack is made).
The Supreme Sacrifice ability lasts for 15 minutes. Once it ends, the Bladesinger dies. The Bladesinger can also use his Supreme Sacrifice ability as a Heroic Sacrifice lasting for 1 hour or as a Noble Sacrifice lasting for 4 hours.